
Cakra Jantung

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Problems associated with the Heart Chakra

GREEN relates to the HEART chakra. Associated organs to this chakra are the heart and breasts. The gland is the thymus gland.

Some associated problems relating to the heart chakra are:- heart diseases , diseases of the Immune System for example, Aids and ME (myalgia encephalomyelitis, sometimes referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome or post viral syndrome); other problems related to the immune system, allergies and cancer of the breast.

TURQUOISE also has a helpful effect on the immune system and also helpful in relation to the throat chakra. PINK also relates to the heart chakra being the colour of love.


This chakra relates to love / self love. The ability to give and take unconditionally. When balanced we are able to give this love and also to love and nurture ourselves, warts and all.

When this chakra is balanced the positive aspects of this colour will prevail. However, an imbalance in this chakra can produce the negative aspects of this colour.


Positive and negative aspects of the Heart Chakra

Some positive aspects of this colour/chakra are:-
  • Compassion
  • Generosity
  • Harmony/Balance
  • Loving
Some negative aspects of this colour/chakra are:-
  • Indifference
  • Jealousy
  • Miserly
  • Bitterness

GREEN relates to the HEART chakra. Associated organs to this chakra are the heart and breasts. The gland is the thymus gland.

This chakra relates to love / self love. that is to say the ability to give and take unconditionally. When balanced we are able to give this love and also to love and nurture ourselves, warts and all.

Associated problems
Some associated problems relating to the heart chakra are:- heart diseases, diseases of the Immune system, for example, Aids and ME (myalgia encephalomyelitis, sometimes referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome or post viral syndrome); other problems related to the immune system and allergies, cancer of the breast.
Positive and negative aspects of Green
Some positive aspects of this colour Some of the negative aspects of this colour
generous unscrupulous with money
sympathetic indifferent
compassionate jealous
understanding miserly
harmonious hangs on to possessions
adaptable lack of consideration
love of children, animals and nature  
Green Wavelength 570 - 500 nm
Frequency 580 - 530 thz
Related Chakra Heart
Complementary colour Red - Green is a balancing colour
Green is a balancing colour, in the middle of the visible spectrum. The higher three colours are known as the "cool" colours and are calming in effect, the lower three are known as the "warm" colours and have a stimulating effect. Green is the balance between these two.

When a therapist comes to the end of a colour therapy treatment, he/she will use green as a balancing colour at the end of a treatment.

Green is the colour of balance and harmony and can, therefore, be helpful in times of stress. If one has experienced a trauma, a green silk wrapped around the shoulders can have a very therapeutic effect.

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